Kelly completed a post yesterday on her blog called Simple Pleasures and I just loved the idea. Simple Pleasures are a great reminder of all the wonderful things in my life.
My # 1 Simple Pleasure is feeling the movements of Grayson in my belly! Oh so simple and the most AMAZING feeling!
Hearing Grayson's heartbeat!
Warm towels/blankets out of the dryer!
Weekly text messages from a friend wishing me Happy 24 Weeks, I just love them!
Big Hugs from my hubby!
Coming home and Bella is so excited to see me and I love when she talks to me!
Great conversations with my family and friends!
Spending Sunday mornings watching movies!
Quality time with Chad on the weekends!
Having nothing to do on the weekends, but be at home!
Walking in the neighborhood with Bella!
A clean and organized house!
Smell good homes, I love my Lampe Berger!
Seeing pictures of my niece and nephew and watching them grow!
These are just a few of my SIMPLE PLEASURES!
What are yours?