It's Friday! I am so glad that this week is over! However I should be working on Data Sync for Walmart, but I would rather read blogs and write a blog post then work. So that is what I am doing. I have a lot on my mind and I thought that I would just let it here I go!
The past week has been a tough week in the Stafford home. Chad is going through some transitions at work. It is tough on him and I am hoping and praying that over the next two weeks all will be resolved. We also received news yesterday that Chad's dad is not doing well and is in the hospital. Back in November 2009 Chad's dad was diagnosed with cancer in his tongue and went through radiation and they thought that they got all the cancer, however in early January 2010 they discovered that the cancer has grown to his throat. He decided to start chemotherapy to see if he can fight it. He has only been given a 30% survival rate, but he is hoping to beat the odds. Yesterday Chad's dad was admitted to the hospital because he was having trouble breathing and has pneumonia. As of today they are no longer doing chemo and the only option his dad has is to remove his tongue and voice box. It is going to be a tough few days for his family and we just hope and pray that he can continue to fight. Please keep Chad and his family in your prayers.
God is with us both and we know that it is in his control. God will take care of Chad and his dad too!
On a happy note... Grayson is doing wonderful! We had a wonderful appointment this morning and I will save the details for my Monday post.
Have a great weekend and if I can say one thing to all of you today is cherish every moment with your loved ones.
with love