Happy February 1st 2010
This past Saturday Chad and I started our Target registry for Grayson. It wasn't as overwhelming as our registry process at Babies R Us. However I still have many questions on what are the esstential items we will need when Grayson arrives. So if you have time this week please leave me a comment and let me know what are some of your favorite baby products or must have items. I would greatly appreciate it.
Some specific questions I have are:
1. Do I need a bounce seat for Grayson? Are they useful or will a swing be fine?
2. Should I register for a highchair?
3. Is a Bumboo seat useful?
4. What Bathing Products and Toiletry Items are needed?
5. What baby toys are a must have?
Thanks in advance for your help? These are just a few questions I have any advice you give is great. Happy Monday!