Today I am 26 weeks and 1 day pregnant!
Grayson length is 9-9.25 inches and weighs 2 pounds
Grayson is the size of an eggplanet!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 26 weeks and 1 day
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 7 pounds
Maternity Clothes: None Yet
Best Moment this week: Valentine's Day with my hubby!
Gender: It's A Boy - Grayson Konnor!
Movement: Yes it is AMAZING!
Food Craving: Honey Nut Cheerios, Dark Chocolate, and Chocolate Muffins from a local bakery in Bentonville. They are so Yummy! New Craving: Cinnamon Bears
What I miss: Sleeping on my belly!
Sleep: I am sleeping much better now that I am not having so many aches in pains in my back and hips. Working out and going to Yoga have been a blessing!
What I am looking forward to: Getting Grayson's Bedding soon!
Belly Button: In for now :)
Symptoms: None
We need prayers: Last week I shared with all of you that Chad's dad my FIL is very ill. Well he is still not getting better and Chad is driving to Paducah, KY in the morning. His dad will be hospitalized tomorrow for the next few days as they are putting in a breathing tube as his tongue continues to swell and is causing troubles for him. He will no longer under go any further radiation or chemotherapy as of this Friday. I wish I could go with him, but Grayson and I can't be around him during his treatments and the drive is too long. I hate that my hubby is going through so many tough days. The stress is killing me and I know it is tough on him as well. I know I am not prepared if something were to happen to my parents. I would be a mess if it did. Chad is so strong and at peace with the situation, but I know he is hurting. It has been an emotional day at our house to say the least. So please keep Chad and our family in your prayers. I hope for peace for my FIL and the pain to be gone. My god be with us and be small enough to hear our prayers.
Bella, Grayson, and I will miss you daddy!
Bella, Grayson, and I will miss you daddy!