I am glad to have my husband home. I missed him! He arrived home last night and is doing okay. Friday was a tough day for him as he said his goodbye to his dad. This past Wednesday they put a trache in his throat to help him breathe as his tongue continues to swell due to the cancer. His doctor cannot do much more for Chad's dad and it is in God's hands. Chad told me last night that his dad is at peace and has talked to God and knows his time is almost up. He just wants a few more moments with his family. Chad is at peace (for the most part) that his dad won't live much longer, but he knows that he will be with God and in no pain. Chad's dad was able to leave the hospital yesterday afternoon and is at home resting and is as comfortable as he can be. He went home with the trache, a feeding tube, and pain medicine. Hospice will be caring for him and I pray that he continues to be as comfortable as he can and that when the time comes he goes to heaven peacefully. Before Chad left his dad told him that he saw Grayson at their pond when he was 2 years old and he has blonde hair and big blue eyes. We are blessed that he shared this with us and hope that just maybe he can live until Grayson is born. It is our hope, but it is in God's hands!
Today is my FIL's Birthday! Happy Birthday Millard! I hope he has a wonderful and blessed day.
Thank you all for your prayers and checking on Chad over the past few days. You are all a true blessing!
Happy Saturday!!!