My growing belly! I heart Grayson!
Today I am 25 Weeks! Grayson is one active baby in my belly. Our little G moves a lot when I am eating chocolate and when I go to bed. I started working out more last week and taking a Yoga class and I feel so much better. My body isn't as achy as it has been over the past few weeks. It is amazing what a little walking and stretching can do.
I had my monthly appointment last Friday and it went great! Baby Grayson's heartbeat was 148, my belly measured at 25 weeks, and I gained 1 pound. Dr. H feels like everything is going well and we have one more monthly appointment in this pregnancy. Our next appointment will consist of the Glucose Test and an injection because I am Rh negative. So everything is going great and it seems to be going by quickly. I love being pregnant and I can't wait to meet Grayson!
Head to heels Grayson measures about 13 1/2 inches, his weight is a pound and a half. He is about the size of an eggplanet. Now onto the highlights!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 25 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 7 pounds
Maternity Clothes: None Yet, but after this week I think that I will have to use the Belly Band for Jeans. My jeans were getting tight this weekend.
Best Moment this week: Hearing Grayson's heartbeat and putting Grayson's crib together!
Gender: It's A Boy - Grayson Konnor!
Movement: Yes it is AMAZING!
Food Craving: Honey Nut Cheerios, Dark Chocolate, and Chocolate Muffins from a local bakery in Bentonville. They are so Yummy!
What I miss: Sleeping on my belly!
Sleep: I am sleeping much better now that I am not having so many aches in pains in my back and hips.
What I am looking forward to: Working on Grayson's Nursery!
Belly Button: In for now :)
Symptoms: None