In our house Chad and I switch off every year on who gets to plan Valentine's Day. This year is my year. I plan on making it special as it is our last Valentine's before little G arrives. Next year will be totally different. I am excited for the weekend. I have decided to start our Valentine's date on Saturday night. Tomorrow afternoon I plan on making Chad's favorite Red Velvet Cake. Yummy!
Saturday night we are staying home and watching two movies and I am making homemade pizza. We plan to relax and enjoy each other. The two movies we are watching are Time Traveler's Wife and Love Happens. I think they are both chick flicks, but since it is my year I get to pick the movies. I am excited to see Time Traveler's Wife I read the book and it was great. I hope I am not disappointed. My sister Amie watched it and she said it was great! If you have seen these movies did you like them?
Sunday Valentine's Day Chad and I are having dinner at Ruth's Chris. We haven't been to Ruth's Chris in a few years so I am looking forward to some quality time together just the two of us. Chad doesn't know this yet, but we are also taking part in the The Great Date Experiment. I plan on telling him about it on Saturday night. I really think that this will be great for us! We really need to focus on each other rather than on baby things, friends, and family. We have a lot of things taking place right now in our lives and it will be great just to relax and enjoy a few dates over the next few months. If you are interested on details of the Great Date Experiment click here! I hope Chad enjoys his Valentine's Weekend. I have a few more surprises for him that I will share later. Chad always makes every holiday special I just hope I can make it special for him too. I always but a lot a pressure on myself when it is my turn. I will let you know how it all turns out!
Happy Valentine's Day Weekend to All!