Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Grayson is CRAWLING!

March 1st, 2011
Grayson is crawling! 

The real story:
Yesterday I picked Grayson up from school and his teacher said, "I didn't know Grayson was crawling?" (keep in mind I checked the box saying I didn't want them to tell me any milestones that he accomplished at school... well they did)
My reaction was, "I wanted him to surprise you and show you himself instead of me telling you."
I was so upset... I hate that he crawled at school first :(

I immediately went home put Grayson in his playroom and tried so HARD to get him to crawl... it didn't happen last night! 
But today it happened.  Grayson and I were playing with his toys in our living room and he kept pushing one of his blocks and it would get further away from him and then he would crawl to it, push it again and crawl to it.  It was really special because both Chad and I got to see Grayson crawl!!!! 

{I didn't get any pictures or video... we will work on it next!}

The fun begins and I am so excited!
What a BIG day for our little G! 
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