Hi Blogging Friends and Family it is time for all of you to ask all the pressing questions that are on your mind and I will answer. So send the questions my way. I will talk questions today and tomorrow and answer all questions on Thursday. This should be fun!
I have already received a few questions:
1. How did I end up in Arkansas from Montana?
2. How did Chad and I meet?
3. Decorating Ideas and where do I get some of my decor in my house?
I will answer the above questions and all that you submit!
So what are you waiting for start asking!
But first I wanted to share with you the lovely cake and flowers I received from my sweet husband for our 3rd Wedding Anniversary. The cake was Velvet Red and it was Yummy! It has sand on the bottom of the cake and the same flowers that I had at my wedding on the top of the cake. It also has the saying, "All because Two People Fell In Love." It was so thoughtful and I loved all the details. I think I have a AWESOME husband. Thanks Chad for making our day special. I love you!
Happy Tuesday Blogging Friends!

How sweet! That cake looks soooo yummy! What a thoughtful hubby huh! Where did ya get those oh so precious metal happy pumpkins you showed in your last post? What type of doggy is Bella? She is sooo cute! My hubby is going to let us get a puppy for christmas next year when my little girl is 4!
Summer :0)
Gorgeous cake! We are eating red velvet cupcakes right now from a bakery :) My question is: Have you always been into walking? I know you mentioned how you take spiritual walks. Have you always done that and do you walk the same route everyday? I need to get better about taking spiritual walks like you do.
What a sweet husband!! Beautiful flowers and cake!! I'm loving it! :)
That cake looks amazing!! :) I would love a piece of that right now.
I know what kind of dog Bella is because my best friend and her husband used to have one, but I'll let you answer that in your post.
One question I have is...
Do you and Chad have names picked out for your kids already?
And another...
What are some things you do when you're feeling down or sad? What gets Melissa back up and going?
Can't wait to read your post!!
Dear Melissa,
I've been a silent reader for quite sometime.
But I couldn't resist to comment today : )
What a wonderful cake and flowers.
Happy belated Anniversary.
Yay for Red Velvet cake...my favorite for sure! You have such a sweet hubby...mine is pretty sweet too! The other day my vote was for the how you and Chad met, but you talked about that one a little bit the other day so I think my vote would be on where you get your decorating ideas...
Do you have the job of your dreams, and if not, what would that job be?
If you could choose/decide, how many boys and/or girls would you like to have?
What's your favorite color? Favorite band/artist? Favorite food?
Do you have any long term dreams or goals that you have yet to accomplish?
Oh my gosh that cake looks amazing!!!!! I had such a busy day! And totally forgot to swing by with your treat!!! PROMISE I will drop it off tomorrow!!!~ ;)
Do you already have names picked out for your future children and if so what are they?
Man oh Man does that cake look so yummy!! What a wonderful guy you have!
I cant think of any questions now but ill be sure to pop back if I think of any, and of course to read those answers!
Hope you have a great rest of your week!
That cake looks so good...and I am so hungry
My question for you and Chad is what do you both do to continue to keep your marriage strong and connected especially during your sad days and your journey of becoming parents. Do you do something each day for each other etc. This question might be to personal but as an admire of your relationship with each other I would love to read how you both stay connected and strong. Love you and can't wait to read your blog post. Also another question, if you could think of your all time favorite memory in your life what would it be????
Our dog is named Bella too! I have noticed in a couple of pictures you have a bed for your Bella with her name on it. Where did you get it?
I too love the decor in your home and would love any tips you might have!
Have a great day!
I love Amie's question!
I have a question! Where did you get those huge pumpkins sitting on your hardwood floors? They are adorable, I seriously need some new fall decor this year. Thanks, can't wait to see your answers!
What a sweet hubby!! The cake and flowers are gorgeous!!
Do you and Chad have nicknames for each other?
If you were sent to a deserted island, what are three things {non-living} that you'd bring with you and why?
If you could travel for a year, no restrictions {money or otherwise}, where would you go?
Did you have a childhood best friend? Are you still friends?
Do you put your left or right shoe on first?
If someone were to give you a blank check with no monetary restrictions, how much do you think you'd spend and on what?
Have you and Chad considered adoption?
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