I promised that I would write about my "Spiritual Walks" I take each day, however it has been a long day and it is going to have to wait until tomorrow. Work has been SUPER busy and I have been on my computer WAY TOO MUCH and my eyes are killing me. So instead of spending time on writing a blog post tonight I have spent the evening catching up my favorite blogs and after I publish this post I am closing my computer and relaxing for the rest of the night. Because tomorrow is going to be a BUSY day. I have so much work to catch up on and tomorrow night I have my first Awana Leaders Meeting. Tomorrow night Chad comes home so that is EXCITING!
Good Night My Friends!

Can't wait to hear about your Spiritual Walk...And I completely understand being tired! I say that I'm going to post, but I get tired, and I forget, so I just don't. :)
Look forward to your posts when you get caught up with work! I had this amazing dream about you and Chad the other night. I love you both and I hope this was a sign from GOD telling me that good things are coming into you and chad's life. Take care and talk to you soon.
I love the idea of sharing your spiritual walk! I just stumbled on your blog...love it! :)
its ok that you were too tired to post we all get that way... you had good intentions now we just get to let our curiosity continue to grow in anticipation for your post on your spiritual walks... enjoy having your hubby back and hope you had a good day at work!!
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