Chad and I spent the New Year's Holiday at Chad's parents house in Tennessee. Our journey started on Wednesday December 30th, 2009 with a stop at the Ramsey's house in Bee Branch, AR for a birthday celebration for Mary. It is always great to see Mary and Greg. We were planning on taking Mary out to eat for her birthday at her favorite place, Marketplace... however Mary wanted to spend quality time with us so she made dinner for us so we wouldn't have to spend time driving to Conway and than back to Bee Branch. It was very sweet of her and she always makes the best food. She sure does spoil us! Later that evening we had cake and ice cream and played Phase 10. Here are a few pictures from our night together.
I took this photo with my new camera, the one with the photo screen in the front!
I hope I look this great when I turn 55! She is Amazing! Don't you love her leopard print PJ's!
The next morning we made our way to Tennessee. We had about 5 hours to drive before getting to Chad's parents house. It was a tough drive for me as I am getting uncomfortable driving for long periods of time plus I easily get car sick! That drive was the LONGEST drive EVER! We stopped several times as I was uncomfortable and needed to walk. Plus I was hungry and all I wanted was a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios, however that is tough to find at any restaurant. So I settled and let Chad pick where we went and eat. But later that night I did have a bowl of dry Honey Nut Cheerios. In fact I had Honey Nut Cheerios all weekend long at Chad's parents house. I was loving them! We finally got to Chad's parents on New Year's Eve and had a short visit before we headed to bed. Chad and I tired REALLY HARD to stay up until midnight, but we couldn't make it, however we did make it to 11PM and if we were in NYC it would have been midnight so we kissed and fell asleep. What a great way to spend our last New Year's Eve without a baby. Next year will be AMAZING! I can't wait!!!!!
On Friday January 1st, 2010 we spent time at Chad's grandmother's house (my momma) and I love seeing her. She has the best spirit and is always excited to see us! I wish that we could bring her home with us. After spending most of the day with My Momma we drove back to Chad's parents home and I cooked all of us dinner. I made Chicken and Sausage Pasta, however I had a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios. Later that evening we played a game of Phase 10. On our final day at Chad's parents house we spent the entire day doing NOTHING. Just sitting at home watching TV and it was really hard for me to sit all day. But I guess when you live in the woods and it is cold, there really is not much to do! I was very HAPPY to drive home today as Chad and I have driven 36 hours in a car over the past two weeks and that is ALOT of time in a car. We have decided that this was our final long distance trip in a car before the baby comes. If we go any where it will be in a plane. So we had a boring New Year's Eve, but the most important thing is that we were able to spend time with both our families over the holidays and we would not change it for anything. I hope all of you had a GREAT New Year's Eve and that the Year 2010 is treating you all well!
We have a very exciting week this week! I am 20 weeks tomorrow and the BIG ultrasound day is Wednesday January 6th 2010. I can't wait and I am so excited to share the news with all of you. Have a great week!
Bella had a great New Year's Weekend TOO! Can you tell?

Wow! You were travelling Dixie this weekend, but it sounds like it was totally worth it since you guys had so much fun! Can't wait until the big ultrasound this week, so excited for you guys! Happy New Year to you!
Glad ya'll made it home safe!
I know you will barely sleep this week waiting to find out what you are having and to see that sweet baby! I can't WAIT to find out!!!!!!
What part of TN did you guys visit?
I'm glad y'all had a safe trip and can't wait til the big reveal!
I am glad that you made it home safely and so happy that you were apart of my christmas! You both are the best and we all love you. Take care of yourself this week and enjoy the journey this week. Wish I was apart of that special day but I will be their in your heart. With love always and forever.
So glad you are home safe...and now can't wait until the BIG REVEAL....
I cant wait to find out what Baby Stafford will be! And I wish I was laying on that couch with Bella right now!! :) Instead of being at work for the first day back after two weeks off :(
Dear Wednesday,
Please hurry. I can't WAIT to find out the sex of that baby! :)
we find out on the 6th's all i can think about!!!
cannot wait to find out what y'all are having
thats a cute pic
I can't wait to find out what Baby Stafford is!!! Wednesday can't come soon enough!!!
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