I am not sure about this title but it is a true passion to me. If you come to my house it will always smell great. So what am I talking about, well let me tell you. First I do not like it when it smells in my house, for example after making dinner or breakfast I do not like how it makes my house smell. So I do have several Febreze plug ins that always are putting out a great smell. If you have not tried the Febreze plug ins you should try them, they are great! However my most FAVORITE thing in my house is my Lampe Bergers. We have three of them in our home and today I was able to go to a local gift shop called B LaRue to stock up on oils. Few of my favorite scents are Sea Mist, Sweet Pear, Green Apple, and Creme Brulee. If you don't have one you should try one, you will be addicted! So you probably thinking this is weird, but it always makes me smile when I come home and my house smells great! I hope you all have a great weekend! Take time to enjoy every moment with loved ones. I know I will!
Here is a brief update on my twin sister Amie and her unborn baby boy. She spoke with her doctor yesterday and the baby has IUGR. This is a condition in which the fetus is smaller than expected for the number of weeks of pregnancy. Amie will go to the doctor on March 26th for another ultrasound and they will determine if in fact they need to either put her on bed rest or deliver the baby early. I know many of you are praying for my sister, but I ask that you continue to pray for Amie and Brian Hansen. Thank you for all the love you have shown thus far. I will continue to keep you posted.
Hi Melissa, just got your comment that your received the hats. So glad you love them! I would love to make more for you when the time comes. Still praying for your sis! Have a great weekend!
I will be praying for your sis. Love your new look! I love my home to smell nice too but we have a problem with alergies and most home scent stuff makes them worse, darn!! My house does often smell of homemade chicken soup these days!
Blessings- LillySue
I will be praying for your sister.
I am so the same way about the house smelling good. When I come home from anywhere, I light at least 5 candles before I even put my purse down..My favorite scent right now is Lavender...love it....and never have before...
Love your blog...
My prayers are with your sister and baby! I will keep checking back for updates. HUGS!
Your blog looks incredible, Melissa! You are a natural! Love it so much!!
I am always looking for smells!! We have rented a house and I feel like my house doesn't always smell fresh. I got an oil lamp from this place by the Crumpet Tea Room but this looks much better for me!!
By the way, when do you work out? I want to get on a schedule SO bad and I have a feeling we go to the same place!
Wow! You were right about the Lampe Berger oils! I am addicted. I've been trying to find something that makes my house smell good (and stay that way), and these are great! Thanks for the tip! Katie
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