Tomorrow night Chad will be HOME after being away from home for 7 days, he has been in Orlando for the Year Beginning Meeting for Walmart. I truly missed him! He helps keep my mind off concerns I have in life... like having a baby. We spend most week day nights cooking dinner together (he tries to help, but if you know Chad he is not that great in the kitchen) and we watch TV and play Phase 10 Master's Edition. Since he has been gone I sit on the couch and catch up on my list of shows that we DVR'd and than I end up in bed watching HGTV and working on my computer. Chad would not be too happy with a computer in bed for the past few days. I will have to break that habit starting tomorrow as Chad will be home! YEAH!
What are some of the things that you do when your husband is away? I would love some ideas...
The one thing that I love about Chad being gone is that my heart grows more in love with Chad when he is away... I appreciate the moments we have together. I hope if you are reading this you can take a moment and reflect on your relationship and appreciate what you have as for some it does not come easy. Show loved ones that you care and encourage them as they walk through life.
As a single girl this week I did not do anything exciting, Bella and I just spent the evenings together. Bella enjoys when Chad goes on business trips as he gets to sleep on his side of the bed. Yes Bella our 75 pound dog sleeps with us. It is interesting she sleeps right by me... she has to be touching me at all times. In the morning she will wake me up at 5AM to go outside and than she thinks she needs to eat... that does not happen I make her wait until at least 7AM before I feed her. If I do not wake up she will walk over the entire bed and than lay on top of me to get me to get up... silly Bella. Some day when babies come Bella is going to have to move on out of the bed. That will be a sad day for Bella and secretly me too... don't tell Chad!

Awesome thoughts Melissa, I truly love you and your honest truth as you go through life. I love you and hope you have a nice day. Amie
**visiting from Kelly's blog!!**
Liking your little home here! My hubbby used to go away for 6 months at a time when he was in the Army (British) and i used to allow 2 weeks of wallowing and then get on with things. I'd have my own routine, tv in bed etc etc and he would come back and i'd have to stop it all!!! So enjoy your time with him..and without ;) I promise not to tell!! hehe
Hi Melissa...It's nice to put the face to the name and all the emails!!! Just saw Kelly's new post where she linked to you...I thought and come visit your new blog home! Blogging has been so much fun for me over the past month--but watch can be addicting!!! Regarding hubby being away, I can totally relate...absence truly makes the heart grow fonder!
Visiting from Kelly's blog! Cute blog you've got goin on!
I plan to visit often!!
Here from Kelly's blog. I will come back after my little one is in bed to read it. I just started a blog too. It's fun to connect with other people from different places.
I'm new to blogging too! Welcome!
hi melissa and welcome! i too came over from kelly's blog and just thought i'd say hi. then i saw you have a weim too!!! you know how we are about our weimys!! :) i am now a follower and would love to see more pics of your girl! ;)
ours is a boy, named grover. very silly name for a high energy boy! named him after grover on sesame street. ha!
please come over to our blog anytime!! we have cooking scrapbooking and pups in common. :)
take care, tara
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