1. Amie's Ultrasound Results - Thursday March 26th is the big day - what will the doctor's tell her?
2. Dentist Appointment - Thursday morning - I hope it goes well and NO cavities and I get a GOOD Report from the dentist!
3. Chad's Dad is having surgery on Saturday to remove cancer from his tongue - WE are both waiting to hear the GREAT NEWS that they got everything this time.
4. My Mom is having surgery on April 1st... yes April Fool's Day... she is having her tonsils removed... OUCH - Everything will go well and she will take care of herself! (Right Mom?)
5. Chad is running in the Hogeye Marthon on April 5th - I am waiting for this day as Chad is so excited and I can't wait to cheer him on... Go Chad Go!
6. Amie and Brian Hansen's son Aidan turns 3 on April 15th - I am waiting for this day as I am so excited to see him! He has changed so much and he loves his AuntieLissa!
7. May 5th - Amie and Brian's Baby is Due - I can't wait to meet my new nephew and see how Aidan likes his new baby brother.
8. July 29th - Two exciting events... Amie and I (we are twins) are turning the BIG 30 plus our little sister Jessyca is due with her baby girl Marley - I especially can't wait to see how Jessyca reacts to being a mommy.
9. So for now that is what I am waiting for!
10. But what I am really waiting for is to hear the news that Chad and I are pregnant... that would be great to hear... all I can do for now is just HOPE and PRAY that we will get the NEWS we are hoping for in the next few months...
What are you Waiting For in your life? I would love to hear your stories... Waiting for things my seem overwhelming but it does give me something to look forward too. Share your stories and I will Hope and Pray for you and your loved ones...

I am praying ya'll get pregnant soon! How fun for you and your sisters to all have kids the same age!! It WILL happen Melissa!
I'm waiting on being able to get Harper out and about and around people. I can't wait for that. And summer - just around the corner!
Well, I am waiting on getting pregnant. Since the first 2 IVF's didn't work...I am waiting on this frozen cycle with the 3 embryos we have left. Hoping and praying one of those embryos will be our baby! It is certainly super hard waiting on something like this. You asked about books- I have read many on infertility and my two favorites are: The Infertility Companion- by Sandra L. Glahn and William R. Cutrer- it is by the Christian Medical Association- which is great. Another one is- "Infertility: Finding God's Peace in the Journey- by Lois Flowers and the other is Hannah's Hope- by Jennifer Saake.
Praying that the Lord will bless you guys with a precious little baby and that this will be your year! Wanted to ask you if its okay if I put you guys on my prayer list on my blog. Talk to you later!
I am waiting for reassuring news from the doctor on thursday that our son is okay in my belly. I am praying that my sis is blessed with the news of being pregnant and she has a safe and healthy pregnancy.
I also am waiting for Aidan's reaction of his new baby brother when he comes into our world.
I also am waiting to be an aunt to baby Marley in July!
I also am looking forward to seeing Meahgen very soon hopefully... I also am looking forward to seeing my mom, JJ and hoping my dad changes his mind and comes for a visit....
I am waiting for Friday...the start of my Spring Break and traveling to see my mom. I miss her so much.
I am waiting on a positive pregnancy test. I know the Lord will be blessing us with a beautiful, healthy baby...in His time!
I am waiting for the SUMMER! I can't wait to get in our pool and soak up the sun :)
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