I need your prayers over the next week, my twin sister Amie is pregnant and is in her 33rd week. Last week she had to have an ultrasound due to the fact that her belly was not measuring what it should have been, she finally got the results yesterday and it is not so good news. She has to have another ultrasound next Thursday March 26th as they found that the baby's abdomen is not growing. We are all remaining positive, but would like you to say an extra prayer over the next several weeks for the Hansen Family. You can check out her blog page for updates at http://hansensons.blogspot.com/. Have a blessed day!

That was very nice of you to think of us and mention me in your blog! I really enjoy your new blog page. She did a wonderful job! I am going to have her redo mine when our son is born or maybe the small passion blog, don't know yet. Thanks again and I will talk to you soon. Love you! Amie
Hey Melissa...love the new blog design. So cute! I'm actually going to be getting one pretty soon too! I will be keeping Amie, Brian and baby boy in my prayers. I know we serve an awesome God!!!
Love the new look. Of course we will keep your sister n our prayers. xx
I didn't know you had a twin sister????
I will be praying for them.
Your blog looks great.
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