Today I am 18 weeks! My little Lilypie link at the start of my blog is not updating correctly and I am not sure if you have any ideas please let me know. Chad and I had a great weekend with friends and we are both extremely excited for Christmas! I feel blessed to be pregnant this year and it is the BEST Christmas Gift I will receive. God has blessed us and he is one AMAZING person.
Baby Stafford is the size of a sweet potato! Yeah! We are only a few weeks away from the BIG DAY! I can hardly wait to find out what we are having. Than the planning begins!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 18 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Not sure I should weigh myself and find out, but I don't and I don't know why just don't want to get into the habit of feeling concerned about my weight. I will just wait until my appointment in January 2010.
Marternity Clothes: None yet, but I am thinking that in a few weeks I will have to try out my belly band.
Sleep: I am sleeping good and feel blessed that I am able to sleep in each morning. However I am still extremely tired, but I hope that changes soon!
Best Moment this week: Just joining being pregnant and reading as much as I can about our baby!
Gender: Not Sure Yet...we find out in January 2010
Movement: None Yet, but I have read that this week I should feel movement so we will see. I am looking forward to the first feeling.
Food Craving: Honey Nut Cheerios
What I miss: Chocolate Milk and my Pilates Reformer class @ the Fitness Center
What I am looking forward to: The first movement in my belly and my ultrasound in January 2010.
Weekly Wisdom: Boys are great! I think everyone knows that I want a girl, but I will be extremely happy with a boy too. I feel blessed to be pregnant and I will be so excited for a boy or a girl.
Symptoms: Lower back pains and still tired! Baby Stafford is growing and I will take these symptoms any day knowing that he/she is growing each and every day!
Contest Ends Tomorrow @ 6PM Central!

LOVE your dress! You look amazing!
So CUTE and so very happy that everything continues to go well with the pregnancy! Such a BLESSING! :)
Talk to you when (hate to say it...IF) you get here!!! I know you and Chad will, but PLEASE drive carefully. I'm sure you've talked to your sis, but our weather is supposed to be absolutely AWFUL. Just be careful.
You look awesome! Your baby bump is just starting to show! :) Yay!
Oh Melissa...I am still just so tickled for y'all. After following your story, it is so exciting! Your little belly is adorable! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
You look amazing! I love that dress!!!! I know you are loving EVERY minute!!! It's so fun watching you! Pregnancy is a miracle! I can't remember when I first felt Harper - seems like it was past the 20 week mark. I remember really feeling her at the first Razorback game. I was probably screaming so loud it scared her! ha!
I love your dress!! You look wonderful!! You will be feeing that baby any day now!!
You are one beautiful mother to be! I love you.... so excited. You are showing a little bump! I can't wait to watch that cute belly grow!!!!
love the picture and the post! Thanks for including us in this journey, I hope to oneday be with you by your side experiencing it. Love you.
Hi Melissa,
I have been following your blog, because I am also pregnant. I will be 18 weeks Wednesday! We go for our ultrasound TOMORROW, and we are going to share the news on Christmas Eve! Congratulations to you and your husband. I know how excited you must be!
So adorable! Yes, He is GOOD!
congrats! I have been following your blog off and on for awhile. You look great. Being pregnant is such an amazing experience...enjoy it. You probably won't really feel your baby move until after 20 weeks, but I found if I laid real still and held my breath I could feel my daughter "flutter" kicks at 18 weeks. It is truly amazing once you feel movement!
found your blog and love checking it... Oh I loved loved loved hearing your story. Soooo overjoyed for you :) You look adorable and I can't wait to follow you on your journey! Merry Christmas and God Bless! xoxo
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