Today I am 16 weeks and here is my 16 week picture of Baby Stafford. He/She is the size of an avocado. This picture was taken after church last night and unless I show you my belly I don't look pregnant.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 16 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I have gained 2 pounds since the start of my pregnancy
Maternity Clothes: None
Sleep: I am sleeping better...I still wake up twice a night to use the little girls room. The only change is that I have had horrible dreams. Not fun at all!
Best Moment this week: Hearing Baby Stafford's Heartbeat
Gender: Not Sure Yet...we will find out in January 2010
Movement: None
Food Craving: Breakfast I love cereal and currently I am loving Honey Nut Cheerios. I love to have apples and crackers for a snack. For lunch and dinner I still like bland food such as grilled cheese.
What I miss: Chocolate Milk and Chocolate
What I am looking forward to: My appointment in January and Christmas with my family!
Weekly Wisdom: I don't have any to share...sorry :)
Symptoms: I still have a stuffy nose and I am still extremely tired all the time!
My doctor's appointment on Friday December 4th, 2009 was GREAT! My hubby was out of town, but I had my friend Kim come with me and it was nice to have her there. My doctor delivered her little girl Kelsey and she asked questions for me that I don't think a BIG thanks Kim! I gained 2 pounds and Baby Stafford's heartbeat was a strong 148. We spent some time going over my medical records from the Tulsa Fertility Center and I ended up having blood work done. I also found out that I am Rh-negative so I will need to take certain precautions during my pregnancy. So at Week 28 I will have to get an injection of a drug called Rh immune. Hopefully all will be fine after getting the shot. Both my sisters had the shot as well when they were pregnant so I am not too concerned. My next appointment is in January 2010.
I now sit and wait until than and think is it a boy or a girl.

Oh my goodness...LOVE the baby bump! I'm so excited for you guys.
So nice to hear the appt went well on Friday :)
You are so cute!! Too cute!!
You have the cutest little baby bump!! I can't wait to here if your having a he or a she! My bets are a girl! The heartrate is usually faster in girls and I betcha that's what your gonna have :0)! My bloodtype was - too and I had to have the Rhogam shot.... it just protects you and the baby during the birth process.... no biggy.... no worries :0)
cute cute and more cute. I had that shot while I was pregnant with Lauren too. A total breeze. I think the flu shot is 500 times worse. You look precious and I'm so excited for you!
Oh I think it is a little boy!! :) We will see in January! So excited for you!!
Yay! Your litte belly is too cute!! So excited for you guys!!
So cute...Can't wait to find out if you are having a boy or a girl? And why aren't you eating chocolate or drinking chocolate milk? Just for trying to eat / drink healthy?
Melissa, You look great!!!
You look amazing and are glowing with happiness :) I'm guessing a boy and can't wait until January when you find out!
you look wonderful! I am glad you are starting to feel better and don't worry about the RH shot. I had mine and it was fine, HOWEVER, no one told me it goes in your there. Someone told you. I literally shouted out loud before the door was closed, "IT'S GOING IN MY BUTT?!". Yeah....don't want to make that mistake again! Good luck this week!
You are just glowing!! I love it. I cant wait to find out what your having - You are going to be such a wonderful Momma!!!!
Thinking & praying as always - hope you feel better soon!!!!
Can we guess?? I say it's a boy! :)
All our best.
I have to admit, I went to Baby Bump ultrasounds in Tulsa at 16 weeks and 1 day to find out that it's a GIRL! That was on Halloween. I couldn't stand to wait, and Baby Bump was the only place I could find that did u.s. at 16 weeks.
I also struggle with a constant stuffy nose, and I am battling bronchitis right now. But, times are good!
you look so cute!!!!
So excited for you!!! The "bump" is cute!
You are adorable...and
I am so happy for you...Your pictures are great...Visit my holiday blog for new tree pictures and my main blog for a MIRACLE story...
Love the update!!!! I hope you keep up these weekly updates! You will be SO glad if you do! And I will love reading them! You look SO great! I can't wait to see you grow!!!!
Have you looked at the chinese gender calendar yet? It is ALWAYS right! I have tested it on everyone I have ever known and it's never been wrong!
Cute lil Baby bump!
I wish I was there to see your belly in person. It is just too cute. I love you and miss you.
Love the picture and I am so happy that you are giving us a glimpse into your life through this journey!!!! Enjoy this time it is going to go by so fast!!!! I love you and look forward to our visit in a couple of weeks.
Sorry to just jump in, but I spent a few hours reading your entire blog. I am so happy that you finally got what you wanted!!! You are such an inspration! I have a few friends that went through what you did and I referred them to your great blog.
Thanks so much for sharing!
Just recently found your blog...I really enjoy it! Congratulations on your pregnancy and from the heart rate, I'm guessing girl (although it's really close to the cut off for a boy)
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