I love this picture of Harper and I. She would not look at her mommy!
Today I was blessed to have lunch with this sweet girl and her mommy! I just love this family and the friendship we have created over the past year! Thanks Kelly and Harper for the lunch date! I look forward to this summer when we can have play dates.
I love all my friends and cherish each of them for different reasons. I love when you can pick up where you left off with friends and there is no stress in the friendship. This is my favorite type of friendship and I feel blessed to have some of these relationships here in Arkansas, as well as, South Dakota and Montana.
Friends are Amazing!
I did a Week 19 Pregnancy Post below if you would like to see how I am doing!

adorable pic Melissa! :-)
My new blog is http://thestoryofusblog.blogspot.com/
I decided to do a family blog for us insad of just me...hope you will still follow!
Amy (always amy-previous blog)
How sweet!!! Pretty soon you'll have another precious baby looking at you like that too :)
Harper just thought you were so pretty!
You are sweet - I loved lunch! CAN'T wait for the 9th!!!
Precious picture!!!!!! :) So glad you had a wondeful lunch with those two sweet girls!!!!
love love the picture of you two together!!!!! I am so glad that you have Kelly's friendship in your life that can uplift you and support you through this amazing journey you are on. Love you always.
cute, cute picture.....
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