So for the past 15 weeks that I have been pregnant I have not enjoyed cooking or eating any other food but cereal, toast, grilled cheese, or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The more bland the food the better. I really have not cooked at all so Chad has been left either joining me in the bland foods or he stops and gets take out. Not tonight I actually cooked. Chad was missing home cooked meals so I told him I would cook for him tonight before he leaves for a business trip tomorrow. I made his favorite meal, Spicy Peanut Penne. If you like peanut butter and pasta you will love this meal! It doesn't take long to make you just have to have patients when making the sauce. So if you are looking for new recipes to try with your family give this one a try! I know that I am always looking for new recipes!
(So if you want to share any new recipes with me that would be great too)
(So if you want to share any new recipes with me that would be great too)
Enjoy and let me know if you give it a try! Have a great night!
Spicy Peanut Penne Recipe
Ingredients you will need:
1 box of Penne Pasta
1 pound of boneless chicken
2 tablespoons of Cornstarch
2 tablespoons of Milk and you may need a bit more to help thin out the sauce
3 tablespoons of Peanut Butter
1 tablespoon of Soy Sauce
1 tablespoon of Honey
Dash or a Splash of Lime Juice
Garlic Powder for flavoring
Cayenne Powder for flavoring
1. Cook and Drain Pasta
2. Cook Chicken and set aside
3. In one bowl add 2 tablespoons of cornstarch and add the 2 tablespoons of milk just before you add it to the pan!
3. In another bowl add the following peanut butter, soy sauce, honey, lime juice, garlic powder, and cayenne powder. Stir and set aside
4. Once the chicken is fully cooked remove from the pan and lower your heat to low. Add cornstarch milk mixture to the pan and continue to stir as it will stick if you don't. Add the peanut butter mixture from step 3 to the pan and continue to blend together until it is a sauce texture. If you need it to thin up the sauce add milk and once it is warm add the chicken.
5. Add pasta to sauce and serve!

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!! I can't wait to make it! :)
Your recipe sounds yummy! I have not been able to cook much at all either. I am just getting enough energy to try, ha. My poor husband has been a wonderful help in the kitchen. I still can't cook or smell any meat cooking so he will cook the meat and I'll fix something to go with it. I know how you feel with the bland foods, for weeks I only wanted plain foods too. Congrats again on your pregnancy. I am enjoying reading along as you share. Blessings!
This sounds wonderful! Who doesn't like peanut butter anyhow?
You know me I just love this dish!!! I just wish Brian loved it so I could make it at our house. Well I am sure everyone will enjoy this dish. Love to you
2 great things in one dish. Wonderful! I am a new reader (came from Kelly's blog) and I am SOOO excited for you! Can't wait to follow your journey! God bless you!
Hmmm, I have to try this. I've never really cooked with peanut butter before. I'm going to give this recipe a try. Thanks for sharing!
I have never heard of this one before! My hubby is a big fan of peanut butter!! I have never cooked with it before, just baked ya know fudge soooo we will see how I do!! :0)
Sounds yummy. In step #4, you said to remove the chicken from the pan and add the cornstarch milk mixture. Just to clarify, do I add that mixture to the chicken stock??
Can't wait to try this recipe!
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