Since I really didn't do many weekly pregnancy posts with pictures during my first trimester I thought that I would do one post with a few pictures and highlights of my first trimester being pregnant. I am going to try to do a better job of doing weekly posts on how things are going during my pregnancy. I have read so many blogs that do such a great job capturing each week that I thought that I would give it a try. So let me begin with the highlights and at the end I will show a series of photos that we took over the course of my 1st Trimester.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 15 weeks and 2 days
Total Weight Gain/Loss: last Monday (November 23rd, 2009) I went to the doctor and I had not gained any weight since my appointment on November 3rd, 2009. My next appointment is on Friday so we will see!
Maternity Clothes: No maternity clothes, I am still wearing my normal clothes and as I tell my friends unless I am naked or show you my belly you can't tell I am pregnant!
Sleep: Since I have been sick with a cold for the past two weeks my sleep has been okay, I wake up a lot coughing or going to the little girls room. I do love to sleep in until 8:30AM or 9AM.
Best Moment this week or during 1st Trimester: Best moment this week is I am starting to feel better, which is great! Once I get rid of my cough I think that I will feel great again! YEAH! Best moments during 1st Trimester are first hearing the babies heartbeat, second telling my family the news in October, third would be our coming out party in November where we shared the news with our friends, and fourth would be sharing the news on my blog and getting a wonderful response from all of you.
Gender: Not Sure Yet! But I am dying to know!
Movement: None Yet! But I can't wait :)
Food Cravings: During my 1st Trimester until today I crave cereal, grilled cheese, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, toast, and crackers. I know very bland food, but for now that is what sounds great!
Food Cravings: During my 1st Trimester until today I crave cereal, grilled cheese, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, toast, and crackers. I know very bland food, but for now that is what sounds great!
What I miss: My daily glass of chocolate milk
What I am looking forward to: My doctor's appointment on Friday!
Weekly Wisdom: Resting and Taking It Easy is OKAY!
Symptoms: During my 1st Trimester I was sick almost every week. It was either in the AM or the PM depending on the day! I had several days of headaches and during week 13 and week 14 I was sick with a cold and a sinus infection. I am starting to feel better this week and hoping that Week 16 will be a GREAT WEEK!

I will be back next Monday with a Week 16 Update!

You are so, so adorable. I love the baby bump. And a huge congratulations on the 1st trimester. cannot wait to hear the gender. And see more baby bump pics. :)
Awwwww what a cute little baby bump you have :0)
You are just glowing.....
Summer :0)
This is so very exciting. I am so happy for you that you finally get to deliver these posts to us.
ps - weird you still like me? i have not talked to you in a long time. :(
I just miss hearing from you. Sorry, sensitive over here.
you look so cute girl! I am soooo happy for you guys!
You are too cute, Melissa! I am SO happy for you and your husband. God is amazing. :-)
you are adorable!!
You look great! I remember taking pictures in the beginning of my pregnancy and wanting soooo badly for it to look like I was pregnant. I would even arch my back juuuuust the tiniest bit to make my stomach poke out a little more =)
You look so great and your little belly is adorable!!!! I love it!
You're so tiny! You're definitely going to be one of those pregnant women who look amazing in the 9th month....Envious! :)
Love the pictures melissa, thank you for sharing this with us! Makes me feel like I am apart of your journey since I am not with you in person like a sister should be. You are glowing and look amazing!!!! Continue to take care of yourself! Love you
Love this pictures and the updates. I can't wait to see that belly grow. God is soo good.
Your blog is adorable!
I am so excited for you....
You look great! I am so happy for you! Can't wait to hear about next week and your doctor's appt....
I am behind on my blog reading! I am so sorry I missed this yesterday. I should also add I am incredibly hormonal...not for the same reason you are but the exact opposite (ha) so when I saw your pictures it was all I could do not to cry. You are looking so lovely with your baby in tow. I still get pangs when I see pregnant women. How I loved that round belly I had with my boys. There is nothing like it.
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