We made it home! It was a scary and stressful drive from South Dakota to Missouri. Once we arrived in Kansas City it was sunny and the interstate was dry! I would have to say that on our nine hour drive it appears that many families had a White Christmas! Now that the unpacking is complete Chad and I are sitting in our warm house by the fire and Bella is snuggling next to me on the couch. I sure do miss her when we are away, but she has the best dog sitter that we have nothing to worry about. Chad and I are home for a few days and than we are off again to Tennessee to visit Chad's parents for the New Years Holiday. I am not looking forward to being in the car again for 8 hours, but we need to visit. For the next few days I will be busy working, taking down our Christmas decorations, packaging, and daily household duties. And on a side note I am sick again! I have a horrible head cold again...
I sure do miss these boys already!

get to feeling better sweet girl! Love those pictures!
I'm glad y'all made it home safely. And I hope you feel better soon; it's no fun being sick, but it's even worse when you're pregnant. -_-
Our family just made it home from a trip also. Thank God for another undeserved safe and enjoyable road trip. God's mercies are new every day!
Enjoy the rest of 2009 in joy and PEACE!
Happy Holidays! Congrats to you and Chad! I wanted to let you know that I have a new blog address...
I hope you will still follow me...I'm so glad to get to read about your journey into motherhood :-)
-Amy (from always amy)
WOW, lots of traveling but sounds like you are getting great family time in!!!! Precious pictures!!! :)
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